Our Clients:
CE-Technologies, LLC clients cover a wide range of
industries as well as corporate size. CE-Technologies, LLCprovides value
added services to investment banking firms, venture capital firms as well as
small to large corporations.
A partial list of CE Technologies, LLC
clients includes several Newell Corp. divisions (Graco: translucent
high chair; Sanford: extruded pencil compounds; Little Tikes
Commercial Play: technology license evaluation; Office Products:
patent evaluations and new chairmat development; Levolor: product
analysis and new blind slat material development); Otto, Toter: (materials
for plastic outdoor automated rollout waste systems); Rehrig-United
(plastic shopping cart material); Colson Plastics (rubber and plastic
materials; medical products); VADUS™, Inc. (novel catheter patent estate
development; pilot manufacturing startup); a major molder of large outdoor
containers (cost reduction), a leading manufacturer of name-brand household
products (contract manufacture set-up), and three of the world's largest
polyolefin resin manufacturers.